In accordance with the BOAD’s Articles of Association, the Bank’s operations are accounted for in accordance with the following rules and practices
and banking operations, and the recording of its transactions is carried out in accordance with accounting standards
as decided by the Board of Directors.
Since fiscal 2010, the Bank’s financial statements have been presented in accordance with international accounting standards.
The Bank’s accounts are audited annually by a Statutory Auditor appointed by the Board of Directors.
Conseil des Ministres de l’UMOA among internationally renowned firms. In addition to auditing the accounts, the
The Statutory Auditor carries out an annual review of internal control and makes recommendations aimed at
strengthen it.
The current Statutory Auditor is :
8th floor, BTCI building Head office
169, boulevard du 13 janvier, 06BP 6019 Lomé 06, Togo
Tel: (228) 22 21 87 69 Fax: (228) 22 21 03 55