Energy and natural resources

In the Energy and Natural Resources sector, BOAD's objective is to make energy available in sufficient quality and quantity to the populations and industries of WAEMU countries, by reducing the cost of electricity production; increasing the rate of access to electricity; reducing the energy deficit by increasing production and promoting regional interconnections; and improving the performance of the various sectors of the economy of WAEMU countries.

BOAD financing has contributed not only to increasing energy production capacity in member states, but also to the construction of more than 3,500 km of interconnection power lines between them, as well as the reinforcement of generation, transmission and distribution facilities on inter-state networks, for a total capacity of more than 1,350 MW.

As at March 31, 2023, total BOAD financing in the energy and natural resources sector amounted to FCFA 1,189.55 billion.

Man in front of a wind turbine

Our priorities in the field of Energy :

  • Promoting the energy transition.
  • Development of regional and cross-border interconnections.
  • Improved access to electricity (IPP, Off Grid in rural communities, etc.).
  • Support for governments and electricity companies to ensure the sector’s financial equilibrium.

Our priorities in the field of Natural Resources :

  • Develop semi-urban and rural hydraulic systems: human-powered boreholes and mini drinking water supply systems.
  • Developing local content in mining and oil production.
  • Promote semi-mechanized mining to combat illegal gold panning.

Nos réalisations dans le secteur de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles

  • 380 MW
  • 39 %
    renewable energy
  • 658.7 billion FCFA

WADB at the heart of energy security initiatives in West Africa

Regional initiative for sustainable energy (IRED)

In order to deal more effectively with the recurring energy crises in several UEMOA member states, the Conference of Heads of State and Government decided in January 2008 to set up a commission to propose a strategy entitled « Regional Initiative for Sustainable Energy (IRED) ».

IRED is aiming for 100% access to electricity in the WAEMU by 2030.

With low prices and within the framework of a vast, integrated and harmonized West African electricity trading market. This regional market would be based on a dynamic public-private partnership. IRED also targets an increase to 82% in the proportion of renewable and sustainable energies in the WAEMU’s power generation mix by 2030.

The institutional and financial arrangements for implementing IRED include a concessional Energy Development Fund (FDE) and a private-sector investment fund, the Infrastructure Fund.

Energy Development Fund (FDE)

Man inspecting overhead power lines

Set up on September 25, 2009, the FDE’s purpose is to help improve access to energy in WAEMU member states and promote sustainable energy development by financing IRED-eligible projects on concessional terms. It is managed by BOAD.

FDE began operations in the first half of 2010. As of December 31, 2016, 14 energy projects had been financed in the form of FDE loans, for a total amount of FCFA 229.7 billion.

Infrastructure fund

It is dedicated to private investment. It is a profit-making fund designed to finance electricity infrastructure in the WAEMU, according to market terms and conditions. It is also intended to finance the restructuring of electricity companies, the emergency program and medium- and long-term projects. It will be a lever for public-private partnerships in the electricity sector in the UEMOA zone. Due diligence is currently underway at BOAD.

Objectif du Plan Djoliba 2021-2025

380 MW

Additional capacity to improve the rate of electrification and energy supply in the WAEMU by 2025


Director, Department of Energy and Natural Resources

Address: 68 avenue de la Libération, Lomé, Togo


Telephone: +228 22 21 59 06 / +228 22 21 26 61

Portrait of Oumar TEMBELY


The West African Development Bank (BOAD) and Africa Specialty Risks join forces to explore Captive Insurance Solutions for West Africa