Code of ethics and professional conduct applicable to the Chairman


The Conference of Heads of State and Government of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) adopted, on 06June2012, the Additional Act n°02/2012/CCEG/UEMOA instituting the obligation of reserve of Heads and members of UEMOA Institutions and Organs in relation to political activities in member states,

Under the terms of Article 3 of the Additional Act, each Institution and Body of the Union must adopt a Code of Ethics and Deontology, taking into account the requirements it lays down with regard to the obligation of reserve. In addition, draft Codes must be submitted to the Union’s Council of Ministers.

The Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD), an institution whose mission is to promote the balanced development of the member states of the Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UMOA) and to achieve the economic integration of West Africa, is one of the Institutions and Bodies covered by the Additional Act whose Heads are subject to the reserve obligation.

Moreover, under the terms of articles 22 et seq. of the BOAD’s Articles of Association, the missions assigned to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman require a high level of ethics on their part. In carrying out their duties, they must ensure that the BOAD’s integrity and reputation are strengthened. They must conduct themselves in a way that reflects this responsibility, and in their official and private activities they must behave in accordance with their respective status.

This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct sets out the guidelines, standards and conventions for the Chairman and Vice-Chairman in terms of professional ethics and professional conduct.

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Annex 6C - Conflict Sensitivity Analysis rev March 2024